Federal Government

Federal Government

Characteristic of federal government represents the antithesis of the system described above. Its characteristic feature consists in the fact that the power of legislation, government, and administration of the state instead of being concentrated in a single set of central organs at the capital or in their local representatives and agents, is divided and distributed … Read more

Unitary and Centralized Government

Unitary and Centralized Government

Unitary and Centralized Government Explained As stated in a previous article, unitary government is that form in which the supreme governing authority of a state is concentrated in a single organ or set of organs, established at and operating from a common center. For this reason it is sometimes described as centralized government, although the … Read more

The Future of Democracy

The Future of Democracy

The Future of Democracy :- Whatever may be the weaknesses of democracy, and they undoubtedly exist, it seems destined to become universal. In fact it has already nearly become such, Since the close of the World War we have seen even the rock-ribbed autocracy of Germany transformed into a republic with all the modern democratic … Read more

Democratic Government

democratic government

Democratic Government Defined :-Democratic or popular government has been variously defined as a form of government in which every one has a share, as one in which the majority rules, one in which the mass of the adult male population has a voice, one in which public Opinion controls, etc. Abraham Lincoln conceived democracy to … Read more

Aristocratic Government

Aristocratic Government

Aristocratic government is a form of government that places strength in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class. The term derives from the Greek aristokratia, meaning ‘rule of the best’. In Ancient Greek, the word aristocracy means the rule of the best, but it has come to be linked with rule by royal families. … Read more

Monarchy Government

Monarchy Government

Monarchy government, Where Found :- From an examination of the structural organization of the various forms and types of government, we come now to consider in the light of history and of experience the elements of strength and Weakness of each of all the known types, the monarchical form is the oldest , in the … Read more

Classifications of Government

Classifications of Government

Classifications of government. Identifying a form of government is also difficult because many political systems originate as socioeconomic movements and are then carried into governments by parties naming themselves after those movements, all with competing political ideologies. Experience with those movements in power, and the strong ties they may have to particular forms of government, … Read more

Development and Expansion of Constitutions

Development and Expansion of Constitutions

Development and expansion of constitutions. A Constitutions is the fundamental law according to which the government of a state is organized, and agree- ably to which the relations of individuals or moral persons to the community are determined. It may be a written instrument, a precise text or series of texts, enacted at a given … Read more

Essentials of a Written Constitution

Essentials of a written constitution

Essentials of a written constitution : A written constitution is a supreme and fundamental law. It is supreme in the sense that it is harder to change than ordinary law and prevails over ordinary law in case of incompatibility. It occupies a place at the apex of the hierarchy of legal norms, as the lex … Read more