

Nature of Sovereignty: The relation of state to state, of a state to its citizens, and of one citizen to another can be understood only after a further discussion of that characteristic which distinguishes the state from all other organizations, its sovereignty. Such discussion leads naturally to the corollary of state sovereignty, namely, individual liberty. … Read more

Theory of the State

The theory of the state. Early social organizations arose spontaneously from the needs of mankind and, for a long time, grew without conscious direction. Later a point was reached when man began to examine his beliefs and his social customs and institutions, to question their authority, and finally to plan deliberate changes and progress. Of … Read more

The origin of the state

The origin of the state

Forces in State-building the origin of the state. The exact origin of political me cannot be historically determined, since the first subjection of man to some sort of authority must have existed in the earliest beginnings of social life and the search for these beginnings carries us back to periods of human development of which … Read more

The Population Of The States

The Population Of The States

Importance Of The Population  Of The States. The physical environment of itself can accomplish no historical result. It always acts upon or through individuals, determining their characteristics, and conditioning their activities. Hence a study of the fundamental elements of the state must include the individuals that comprise it and the natural circumstances in Which it … Read more

The Physical Basis Of The State

The Physical Basis Of The State

Importance of the state’s physical basis: in the last analysis, all phenomena are manifestations of physical energy, and the activities of the state are no exception.Given the individuals that compose the state, the various combinations of these individuals that the natural environment in which they exist, and the interrelations among these, natural science will explain … Read more

Analysis of the State

Analysis of the state

Need for Analysis of the state. Since political science is the science at the state, a clear understanding of what is meant by the term “state” is important. From the beginning of social life, humanity has lived under some form of authority. This authority has varied in its nature and has exercised its functions through … Read more

The Importance of the state

Importance of the state

The Importance of the State. Whether the state is an end in itself or merely a means enabling individuals to attain their ends has been a much-disputed question. 1. Theories emphasizing the state: Ancient writers generally regarded the state as the highest aim of human life and as an end in itself. The usual belief … Read more

Associations of States

Associations of States

Nature of International Associations of States: When two or more states have interests in common, they may join in some form of the international association for joint regulation of their common interests. If informing the union, the states give up their sovereignty and external independence to such an extent that they cease to the states; … Read more

The Theory Of Social Contract

The Theory Of Social Contract

The Theory Explained. Foremost in historical importance is the Theory of Social Contract. It postulates a state of nature as the original condition of humanity and asocial contract, deliberately and voluntarily made, as the means of escape therefrom. Some political thinkers who advocated the theory of Social Contract Were of the opinion that the state … Read more

Force Theory Of Origin Of State

Force Theory Of Origin Of State

The Statement of the Theory. Force Theory of origin of the state is another fallacious theory, but historically important, which is offered as an explanation of the State’s origin and meaning. There is an old saying that war begets the king, and true to this maxim, the theory of Force emphasizes the origin of the … Read more